Managing Information Organizations: Fall 2014


Diane E. Bailey


University of Texas at Austin


Fall 2014


I designed this course to help you develop skills to manage people, projects, and resources in the context of an information organization. The course emphasizes active learning through class exercises in addition to case discussions as well as individual and group assignments. Your coursework should prompt personal reflection: Practice and reflection are central to your learning. Although I gear the course to practical career skills, I ground all the material in theory and research from social psychology, small group research, organizational behavior, strategy, innovation and related fields. We start at the individual level so that you can begin to develop awareness about yourself and your relationships with others that is critical for your success as a manager. We move from there to group level dynamics common in work settings. We end with a higher-level focus on projects, vendors, and budgets.

Required Textbook:

No required textbook.

Link to Syllabus: